Celebrating 20 Years at The CityGate
• in Southaven, MS since 2004
Sundays at 10am
We are a local church and regional ekklesia based in Southaven, MS (Memphis, TN metro). We believe in the 5-fold ministry leadership gifts according to Ephesians. 4:11 and are active in the gifts of the Spirit according to 1 Corinthians 11-12 with vibrant, prophetic worship and biblical, kingdom teaching.
A regional ekklesia. An apostolic training center.
We are a regional Ekklesia which operates as an apostolic training center with a team of elders, a pastoral team, and an apostolic leader with a focus on the 5 fold ministry gifts according to Ephesians 4:11: apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists.
Regional Ekklesia.
Jesus wrote in Matthew 16:8 “I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church” The word He used that has been translated “church” is the Greek word “ekklesia.” Ekklesia in Jesus’ time indicated a convocation of people in a city or region that had the authority to make decisions of government. In other words, the ekklesia Jesus is building in the earth is an expression of His government – the Kingdom of God – being brought into the earth to effect change so that the territory where His ekklesia is established begins to look more like “heaven on earth.” We are committed to being an expression of Christ’s Ekklesia within our territory…not the only one, but a part of what Christ is doing in our territory to advance His Kingdom.
Apostolic Training Center.
Because of the biblical mandates in Ephesians 4:11 and 1 Corinthians 12:28 (and other places in the NT), we are passionate about being a training center for believers. Our Sunday services and gatherings are for the purpose of aligning, activating, training, and equipping the body of Christ for the works of the ministry. Our passion is to see followers of Christ matured by the 5 fold ministry offices within the church in order to fulfill their God-given callings in the kingdom. This is an apostolic calling. The word “apostle” means “sent one” and the mission of Jesus is to be “sent ones” into the harvest. The message of Jesus was not “come and hear” but “go and tell.” To be an apostolic people and apostolic center is to be sent ones into the harvest, equipped with the ministry of miracles, gifts of healings, helps, tongues and more! We should now earnestly desire the greater gifts (1 Cor. 1:31).
Pastoral Team.
The Pastoral Team is here to provide an atmosphere in people’s lives that gives a sense of local purpose, protection, and belonging. We lead people to a place of maturity that translates into a fulfilled life. In all, helping people realize their ability to accomplish their own vision as well as fulfilling the larger vision of the church. The pastoral team is headed by pastor Dan Billman and help to connect locally with shareholders, visitors, and those connected to us at The CityGate.
5 Fold Ministry.
According to Ephesians 4:11, God set into the structure and governance of the church (1) apostles, (2) prophets, (3) pastors, (4) teachers, and (5) evangelists for the equipping (aligning) of the saints for the works of the ministry. This is the goal and purpose of our Sunday gatherings: the apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, and evangelists are equipping saints for the works of the ministry. 1 Corinthians 12:28 speaks to some of these gifting /offices as well for the strengthening of the church… so that the church, the ekklesia, the people — everyday families and individuals — can do the effective work of the ministry. We believe this is the order that God set in place for the church to bring the Kingdom of God into the earth.
Apostolic Leader.
Clay Nash is the apostolic overseer, leader, and founder of the CityGate Southaven. He has become a national, prophetic voice declaring the Kingdom of Heaven in individuals and regions. As an apostolic leader, he has founded and led numerous congregations as well as a network of relational covenants with ministers throughout the world. Apostle Clay serves on the team of Network Ekklesia International along with Dutch Sheets, Ken Malone, and others; as well as Global Spheres with Chuck Pierce. He has a doctorate in theology and is married to Susan, his wife of 41 years. Apostle Clay now lives in Omaha, Arkansas for the last several years and is fulfilling a mandate of the Lord on a piece of land there called the Ark. Visit thearkinarkansas.org for more info. He still apostolically oversees the work here Southaven, in relational alignment with the elders and core leaders at The CityGate.
Regional Resource
The CityGate is a regional, prophetic resource to the Memphis-metro and beyond. We hold regular conferences and workshops with a focus on prophetic training, healing anointing, worship teaching, apostolic authority, dream-interpretation, power evangelist, and so much more. Our desire and mission is to host a place for the presence of God to empower the church to function in these gifting and callings so they can go and do the kingdom work in the earth.
A Local Church
We are a local church and regional ekklesia based in Southaven, MS (Memphis, TN metro). We believe in the 5-fold ministry leadership gifts according to Ephesians. 4:11 and are active in the gifts of the Spirit according to 1 Corinthians 11-12 with vibrant, prophetic worship and biblical, kingdom teaching.
Our Beliefs
We believe all people are made in the image of God, and as such have inherent worth and value (Gen 1:27). We believe God’s love is best reflected by showing love and recognizing the worth and value in all people.
We believe all people are created with a unique purpose and have specific gifts and talents. We believe God has prepared a place in Heaven for those who will place their trust in Christ, and believers are coheirs with Christ (Jn 14:2, Gal 4:7).
We believe that God created the earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th day (Genesis 1). God is the creator of all things and all things have been created through Him and for Him (Colossians 1:16).
We believe Jesus is the Son of God, one of three parts of the Trinity and is also God Himself. Jesus lived a sinless life, died, was buried, and rose again, conquering death and the grave, in order that we may have freedom in this life and the life to come (2 Corinthians 5:21).
We believe that the Holy Spirit quickens believers to live a supernatural life, filled with signs, wonders, and miracles, because we serve a supernatural God who desires that all men be drawn to Himself and be reconciled to the Father. The Holy Spirit goes out from the Father to bring truth and testify about the Father, so that we are guided into all truth (John 15 & 16).
We believe that the life of the believer should not be boring. As God’s children, we can “Enjoy God at all times” by living a life filled with purpose.
We believe in creative missions, international missions, creative miracles, and supernatural manifestations of God’s glory in the life of the believer. Apart from the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, believers will live ordinary lives, similar to those in the world, not bearing the fruit that the Father desires (Colossians 1:5, Galatians 5:22-23, Romans 6:20-22, John 15:1-8).
Becoming a part
Join us at the steps of The CityGate and see what it looks like to be a part.
Here at the CityGate, we don't have members, we have shareholders. No, not business shareholders; spiritual and community shareholders. The Lord gave our founding lead minister and prophetic voice, Clay Nash, a message about this many years ago...